Thursday, June 17, 2010

Welcome to my new site

Okay, this is totally an experiment. But what else is new?  I'll be in the process of switching over my other website and hopefully end up with a new, improved site. Okay, maybe not improved, but it will be new!

New this summer to Kquilts Studio:

Open Sews: Sat. June 26 from 9 AM to 3 PM  (potluck)
                    Sat. July 17 from 9 AM to 3 PM (potluck)
(pre-registration required as it is limited to 8 people--Cost $10)

Kquilt Bee: for those interested in learning the art of handquilting and the fellowship that happens in an old time quilting bee.  All are welome, bring your own project to work on.
Dates: Thurs. June 17  from 7 PM to ??
           Thurs. July 22 from 7 PM to ??
           Thurs. Aug. 25 from 7 PM to ??
(there is no pre-registration as there is not a limit--for now--on the sessions--Cost $FREE)

And a SAVE the DATE:

 SAT. AUG. 27 FROM 10 AM TO 2 PM