Monday, January 6, 2014

Blistering cold--need LOTS of warm quilts!

I hope everyone is staying as warm as possible. Good times to be staying home and keeping warm! And maybe even working on getting some projects done! Me? I wish I was quilting, but I'm doing the next best thing....leaving! LOL  I'll be gone for a few weeks, but am anxious to get back to the business of quilting again. Going too long without quilting is not a good thing. Quilting makes me calm....and happy.

I've been working on my schedule and unfortunately there are not any more Saturdays in a month this year either! Dang it!  I'm once again trying to find a balance of sharing my love of quilting with others, doing my own quilting, traveling and watching the grandkids in their various sporting events. It tends to take up a lot of time, especially on the weekends.

I'm trying a new thing this winter/spring and hope that enough people will be intrigued to join me!  I have decided to do ONE quilt class, an ongoing class totaling 8 hours of instruction time. I will merge it with Open Sews, so that you can continue to work on your project after the instruction time and have me available for questions as you work on your project.

And the project? A Double Wedding Ring Quilt. Now don't roll your eyes saying that it's too hard, it's too old fashioned, it's too (insert your own word here).  First, I am going to teach it using MY Accuquilt Die Cutter. Which means you bring YOUR fabric, and use MY dies and cutter to cut all your pieces nice and accurate.  Second, I want you to GOOGLE IMAGES of Double Wedding Ring Quilts to see what you find. I bet you will be shocked and amazed how varied they can be, from very traditional settings and colors, to more contemporary colors to even the modern look.  And  yet they will all be done the same way! Here is just a snapshot of ONE screen under google images. You will find yourself LOST in all the different variations!

Screen shot of Double Wedding Ring Quilts from Google Images

Read more on the Classes page as to how I will run this class. My goal and honest hope is that with just ONE quilt to concentrate on and ongoing classes is that it will be a quilt that is DONE! Some homework in between classes will be necessary, but you won't be prepping for several other quilts!

All the information on classes and Open Sews are in the Classes tab.  Check them out!

Happy Quilting!
